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Part 1: Get Organized!

In this guide I share HOW I create time to work my business as a busy mom.

How to Create an Mom Boss Work Space!


Create More Time!

Part 2: Mindset

When you make time to work on your mindset, you will UP-LEVEL your entire life! In this guide I will share with you the importance of mindset as a Boss Mom.

These are 5 personal development books that I love and that have helped me on my journey! Read at least 10 minutes each day.

1. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

2. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

3. Girl on Fire by Cara Alwill Leyba

4. Everything is Figuroutable by Marie Forlio

5. Brave Not Perfect by Reshma Saujani

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Believe in YOU!

Improve Your Mindset

BIG DREAMS take a BIG mindset!! Daily mindset work that will change your life! Let’s go over Vision, Affirmations and Personal Development!



Write your vision. Take some time to dream BIG!! If money and time were no issue, what would your life look like 3-5 years from now? What are your relationships like? Where do you live? Where do you vacation? What is your job/career? What are your finances like? What do you do in your free time? Write it out as if it’s already happened. This is your vision!

Read your vision every day! Every morning take time to read your vision and get excited about what you want to create!

Make a vision board! Choose pictures that represent all the exciting things you want to create in your life! This can be a fun and empowering activity for you to do (after you write your vision) and will help create excitement for you!!


Write down and make a list of your self-limiting beliefs. This list is your Bad Mom Boss Thoughts. Write down every reason you believe that you can’t start your own business or have a side hustle or be a good mom and be a successful coach... write it all down!

Now I want you to make a NEW list and this list will be your Good Mom Boss Thoughts! Take every belief in your Bad list and re-write it to make it a good thought/beleif! These are your new positive affirmations! Read & write them daily until you really believe them!


Take 15 minutes a day to read and immerse yourself in a personal development book. It’s a simple practice that will change your life!

Do the mindset work daily and you’ll manifest the life you dream about!

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Part 3: Social Media

A quick guide for how to use social media to build your business and your personal brand.

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The Color Wheel

Let’s talk about BRAND and my favorite branding exercise- The Color Wheel.

Every day as a Boss Mom, you will be using social media to connect with new potential clients every day, creating valuable content and sharing your journey! The connection doesn’t usually happen because of your business- it happens because of a common interest in something else...

Your personal brand is YOU! Your personality, your interests, lifestyle and HOW you make people feel.

It is important to know what your brand is and have a clear vision of who you want to help and know what your interests are so you can more easily attract & find yourself tribe on Instagram!

Remember social media is SOCIAL! This should be FUN!

When you post about your brand and categories or interests that make up your brand, say for example you really love LATTES! Or maybe you live on a farm! Or maybe you have twins! Or maybe you are into organizing or DIY projects or you are a teacher or you have a pet poodle! Or you stand up paddle board or you are a yoga teacher or you are into knitting or green juice!!

These common interest catches someone’s eye and they start following you and they see your fitness journey or healthy lifestyles or business posts and they’re like, “hey she’s also a Wellness Coach too!”

Fill in each spot on the color wheel with 1 thing that you like to do or are interested in. Your social media should be a direct reflection of your color wheel & is HOW you will attract potential clients!

Fill up that color wheel with all things YOU!

Become a MOM BOSS!

You did it! You completed the Mom Boss Mini Course! Now what? Well, if you loved what you learned about in this course, YOU WILL LOVE being a coach! Team Sol Sisters is part of a 8x TOP Elite team and we are a community made up of women who are committed to working on our best self and helping others reach their health and fitness goals!


If you’re ready to become a Mom Boss and join the team, click the link below!

Need More Information?

If you want to learn more about what we do on the team, watch the video below!

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